Rules and Regulations



§1 General provisions

  1. These Regulations set forth the rules for participation in the Econverse V4 Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Project".

  2. The Project aims to promote and develop entrepreneurship among Polish youth through a series of Startup School workshops and Econverse V4 events. During the Project, Participants, choose one of the paths - ideathon of their own startup idea in selected sectors and challenge with building solutions for the challenge partner.

  3. The Project is implemented by Econverse Foundation, based in Poznań, registered in the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public health care institutions of the National Court Register under the number 0000958429, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer".

  4. Event is powered by Visegrad Fund

  5. Participation in the project is completely free.

  6. Participants in the Project, hereinafter referred to as "Participants", are persons designated by the Organizer, selected through the application process for the Project.

  7. Regulations of the competitions held within the framework of the projects will be sent by e-mail.

  8. All persons participating in the Project, as well as their legal guardians in the case of minors, are required to read, accept and comply with the content of these Regulations. Failure to comply with this obligation cannot be the basis for any claims against the Organizer.

  9. The condition for participation in the Project is to send a copy of the signed Project Regulations and, for minors, the consent of the parent/legal guardian to participate in the Project.

§2 Regulations of eligibility for the Project and the Grand Finale of the Project

  1. The object of the Project Eligibility is to ensure the participation of participants in the Project

  2. Eligibility for the Project is open to persons aged 16-22.

  3. The Qualification is organized by the Econverse Foundation and partner organizations, indicated at

  4. The application is evaluated by the Competition Committee (Committee), which includes members of the Project team designated by the Board of Directors of the Econverse Foundation.

  5. The Commission's task is to evaluate the submitted competition applications, select 240 Participants qualified for the Project and match them to teams in selected sectors. The Organizer does not guarantee the assignment of a Participant to the sector selected in the Application.

  6. The Commission operates until dissolved by the Organizer.

  7. Submission of false information entitles the Commission to exclude the Applicant from qualification.

  8. Advancement to the Grand Finals of the Project will be provided to the best 4 teams, as designated by the Commission, in each of the 4 cities of the Preliminaries: Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest.

§3 Confirmation of participation in the Event

  1. Participants selected in the qualification process and their legal guardians have 7 days to make a decision on participation in the Project, from the time the Applicant receives the decision on admission to the Event. The decision is sent via email to the address indicated in the form.

  2. Failure, within 7 days of the announcement of the results, to confirm participation is tantamount to resignation from the Project.

  3. In the event of cancellation of participation in the event, the Commission may establish another Participant from the Reserve List. In that case, this person goes to the team, which is incomplete in numbers.  

§4 Organization and principles of the ideathon path in the sectors of Industry 4.0, Fintech, Future of Work and Education, E-commerce, Sustainability, Health & Lifestyle:

  1. Participants are assigned by the Commission to 5-person teams based on the sector preference selected. It is not possible to exchange team members, the exception being an event due to force majeure or with the consent of the Organizer.

  2. The project includes main phases and additional parallel events:

    1. Start-Up School - online lectures to prepare for events

    2. Project preliminaries - local events in Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Bratislava.

      1. The object of the Regional Preliminaries is the selection by the Commissions appointed by the organizer of the 4 best teams qualified for the Grand Finals of the Project.

    3. Development of the Idea - working in teams, as well as with Mentors

    4. Econverse V4 Grand Final - competition for the main V4 prizes (in the form of a Pitch Contest, judged by a Commission whose members are appointed by the Organizer). The Grand Final is attended by 16 teams selected on the basis of local eliminations, which compete for first, second and third place prizes and additional Special Prizes.

  1. The schedule of the Event will be emailed to Participants, as well as presented on the Event page, Gridaly, and on the Econverse Facebook group.

§5 Awards

  1. The value of prizes at all Econverse Cup 2024 events is a minimum of €5,000 Euro

  2. During Econverse V4, participants have the opportunity to gain:

    1. Three team awards (first, second, third place) within the project track for Industry 4.0, Fintech, Future of Work and Education, E-commerce, Sustainability, Health & Lifestyle teams.

    2. Foundation partners have the right to allocate additional prizes to teams.

  3. The material prizes received will be presented to the Winners of the Contest on the day of the Grand Finale of Econverse V4, and the cash prizes will be sent to the Winner at the expense of the Econverse Foundation, to the bank account number indicated by the Prize Winner within 14 days from the date of transfer of the bank account to .

§6 Personal data

  1. The Organizer is the administrator of the personal data. The Organizer can be contacted on matters related to personal data at the following email address:

  2. By submitting the Application, the Applicant agrees to the processing of personal data of the Applicant and his/her Parents/legal guardians by the Foundation (personal data controller) for the purposes of this Qualification and to inform about the Qualification, in accordance with the RODO.

  3. The data contained in the Applicants' Applications will be shared with the Foundation for the purpose of the Qualification, which the Applicant agrees to by entering the Qualification.

  4. The names and images of individuals who are Econverse 2023 Participants, as well as photos and videos featuring these individuals, may be published on the Qualifier's website and social media profile, the Foundation, and by the Qualifier's partners and sponsors for informational or promotional purposes, which the Applicant agrees to by entering the Qualifier.

  5. By entering the Qualification, the applicant agrees to provide the partners and sponsors of the Event with his/her name, surname, date of birth, email address, phone number, name and details of related educational institutions, and a note about the preferred sector and role, motivation for learning, and future plans.

  6. The privacy policy can be found at: .

§7 General Regulations

  1. During their stay at the Event proper for the Regional Preliminaries and the Grand Finals, participants are required to:

●  Complying with the instructions of the Organizer,

●  Caring for the safety of themselves and other participants,

●  Observance of cleanliness in the Event area,

●  Absolutely abide by the rules and regulations governing the use of equipment and facilities.

  1. While at the Event, underage participants are strictly prohibited under pain of removal from the event:

●  Possession and consumption of alcohol, possession and smoking of tobacco or cigarettes (including electronic),

●  Possession and use of drugs and narcotics,

●  Use of physical and psychological violence.

§8 Organizer's responsibility for Participants' belongings

  1. The participant is fully responsible for the belongings left at the site of the various stages of the Project.

  2. The organizer is not responsible for accidents during the conduct of the various stages of the Project.

  3. The Organizer is not responsible for any damage caused by the participants during the execution of the various stages of the Project.

§9 Responsibilities of the Organizer and Participant

  1. During the various stages of the Project, the Participant is obliged to follow the rules of culture, observe the rules of social coexistence and comply with the instructions of the Organizer.

  2. Absence of a participant from more than 50% of the online part of the Project without a justified reason, as well as any stationary part of the Project, regardless of the reason, is tantamount to his/her exclusion from the Project. In the case of absence from the Online part of the Project, the participant is obliged to provide justification of absence to within 3 days.

  3. Possession of an ID badge by a Participant entitles him/her to enter events related to the various stages of the Project. The badge will be issued to the Participant on the first day of the Event.

  4. It is forbidden for Project Participants to carry out any commercial, canvassing, advertising, promotional, as well as canvassing and fundraising activities not agreed with the Organizer, as well as activities that are inconsistent with applicable laws.

  5. Should it become apparent that the Participant's behavior prevents the proper conduct of the various stages of the Project and poses a threat to other Participants, the Supervisor has the right to remove the Participant from the list of Participants.

  6. The Participant is obliged to use the space where the Project Events are held. in accordance with the guidelines, the Event Scenario, as well as the floor plan. The Participant is required to familiarize himself with the Event Scenario, as well as the floor plan before entering the event area. Should it become apparent that the Participant's behavior prevents the proper conduct of the event, the Facilitator has the right to expel the Participant from the ongoing event.

  7. The participant is required to inform in writing before the event about serious medical conditions, such as food allergies or other important information.

  8. Participant of the Project and its Events are fully responsible for their actions and are fully liable for their consequences. The Organizers are not responsible for damage to health and property caused by the actions of Participants.

  9. Persons present at Project Events may not record, use or transmit the sound, image or description of the Facility or Event for other than purely private use. It is forbidden to distribute via the Internet, radio, television or through other contemporary or future media, sound, image, photos, data, description, recordings, result or statistics of the Event in whole or in part or to assist another person(s) in such activities.

§10 Project location

  1. The project takes place between the following dates:

    1. 1-2.11 Prague

    2. 8-9.11 Bratislava

    3. 15-16.11 Budapest

    4. 22-23.11 Warsaw

§11 Image

  1. The Participant agrees that during the course of the event, representatives of the Organizer, the Host, or any other person or media entity (television, radio, press, bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, etc.) designated by the Organizer may take photos and videos of the Participants of the event for the purpose of posting them on its website and promoting the event on other websites, social media, television, radio, press.

  2. The participant is not entitled to remuneration for the use of the image on the basis of the above consent.

  3. If the event participant does not agree to the use of his/her image, he/she is obliged to submit a relevant statement to the email address

  4. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the Organizer has the right to make the final decision.

  5. The organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations. The amended Regulations will be posted on the website and on Facebook.

§12 Final provisions

  1. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of the law shall apply, including the provisions of the Civil Code and RODO.

  2. These Regulations shall enter into force on May 4, 2024 and shall remain in effect until repealed, previous versions of the Regulations shall be repealed.

  3. The Organizer is the administrator of the Participants' personal data. Personal data will be processed in accordance with RODO. The detailed content of the information regarding the processing of personal data is specified in the Appendix of these Regulations.

  4. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to these Regulations at any time during the project.

  5. The Organizer will immediately inform the Participants about the changes.

GDPR INFORMATION CLAUSE - How do we process personal data?

PRIVACY POLICY Econverse Foundation

GDPR, or the Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of April 27, 2016), regulates the protection of personal data of individuals within the European Union.

The aim of the RODO is to strengthen and unify data protection laws in the EU.

Caring about the personal data of those who work with us, we have developed this Privacy Policy. Its purpose is to tell you what personal data we collect, for what purposes we process it, how we use it, and who we are. The policy also indicates the rights you have in connection with our processing of your personal data.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of personal data of employees and associates.


We kindly inform you that the Administrator of your personal data is:

Econverse Foundation

UL. ŚWIĘTY MARCIN 29 / 8, 61-806 Poznań

KRS 0000958429 | NIP 781 203 28 96

Hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Administrator".


We kindly inform you that we have not appointed a Data Protection Officer. If you have any questions about data protection, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to: with a note on GDPR.


As a Data Controller, we will process personal data:

●  Attendees of events, events, trade shows, etc.

●  Our customers and potential customers,

●  Our contractors - suppliers (including potential ones),

●  business partners, content partners, etc.

●  Persons representing entities with which we cooperate,

●  entities with whom we have relationships, but, for example, are not yet our customers.


We obtained your personal data:

●  From application forms, applications;

●  in connection with your participation in our events;

●  directly from you as a result of our correspondence, conversation, meeting, sending information, using our services;

●  As part of our ongoing cooperation;

●  From public registers

●  from other sources, including publicly available sources such as websites.


In order to provide our services, the Personal Data Administrator processes your personal data for various purposes, but always in accordance with the law.

We process personal data that we receive from you when you use our services and when you contact us. This data is always processed in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and national regulations.

Below you will find the purposes of processing your personal data along with the legal basis:

A. in order to sign up for and participate in our events, events, fairs, etc. ( including capturing the image of participants), we process the following personal data: Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), date of birth, nationality, personal information of co-participants (name, contact information), website address, image of participants in our events recorded, among others, in the form of photo report, video, and other information you provide to us;Legal entities: company name, company headquarters, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), tax ID number, website address, information contained in public records, and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (voluntary consent), which allows us to process personal data on the basis of voluntarily given consent, e.g., for the transfer of the aforementioned personal data;Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest of the Data Controllers) in order to properly provide the service in the implementation of our events, events, fairs, etc.

B. for the purpose of entering into and performing the contract, i.e. providing our services, we process the following personal data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), date of birth, nationality, personal information of co-participants (name, contact information), website address, and other information you provide to us;Legal entities: company name, company headquarters, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), tax ID number, website address, information contained in public records, and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (necessary for the performance of the contract), which allows us to process personal data if it is necessary for the performance of the contract or to take steps to conclude a contract between us;Article 6(1)(f) (legitimate interest of the Data Controllers), e.g. to contact you, to provide you with information about activities related to the performance of the contract between us

C. in order to comply with our legal obligations, e.g.: to issue VAT invoices, accounting documents and make tax settlements, we process the following personal data:Your name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), company name, business location, mailing address, tax ID number, business registration number, PESEL number/date of birth, bank account number, information contained in public records, and other information you provide to us;

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (legally binding obligation), which allows the processing of personal data if such processing is necessary for the Administrator to comply with its obligations under the law.

D. in order to handle matters addressed directly to the Personal Data Administrator, e.g., handling complaints, complaints, we process the following personal data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g. email, phone number), date of birth, nationality, personal information of co-participants (name, contact information), website address and other information you provide to us;Legal entities: company name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), company headquarters, tax ID number, business ID number, website address, information contained in public records, and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest of the Data Controllers), e.g. to contact you, handle complaints, claims.

E. for the purpose of establishing, defending and asserting claims, we process the following personal data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), date of birth, National Identification Number, nationality, personal information of co-participants - name, contact information and other information you provide to us;Legal entities: company name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), registered office of the company, VAT number, REGON number, information contained in public records and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), e.g., for the purpose of establishing, investigating, or defending against claims by, among others, participants, customers/contractors, and third parties.

F. for the purpose of storing unanswered offers / inquiries we process the following personal data:Name, company name, email address, phone number or any other data you have given us;This is because it may happen that you make a decision to use our services some time after receiving an offer from us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), e.g. to allow you to use our services for a certain period of time without having to repeat the offer.

G. for archival and evidentiary purposes, we process the following personal data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), date of birth, national identification number, nationality, personal information of co-participants (name, contact information), website address, and other information you provide to us; Legal entities: company name, registered office, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), tax ID number, business ID number, website address, information contained in public records, bank account number, and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), e.g., the purpose is to prove certain facts related to the performance of a contract, benefits when some state authority requests it;Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (legally binding obligation), which allows processing personal data if such processing is necessary for the Administrator to comply with its obligations under the law.

H. for the purpose of administering the website when you use it, data may be saved automatically, whereby you can choose in your browser settings to either "do not allow data to be saved" or "delete when all domains are closed". As part of this purpose, we may process personal data such as:IP address, server date and time, web browser information, operating system information.

The legal basis for such processing is data:Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (voluntary consent), which allows personal data to be processed on the basis of voluntarily given consent, e.g. website settings; Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), e.g. having the ability to administer the website.For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.

I. for direct marketing purposes, we process the following data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), date of birth, nationality, personal information of co-participants (name, contact information), website address, and other information you provide to us;Legal entities: company name, company headquarters, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), tax ID number, website address, information contained in public records, and other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (voluntary consent), which allows personal data to be processed on the basis of voluntarily given consent;Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), which allows personal data to be processed if, by doing so, the Administrator pursues its legitimate interest, e.g., responding to inquiries, sending an offer.J. for the purpose of sending the newsletter, we process the following data:Individuals: Name, contact information (e.g., email, phone number)Legal entities: company name, company headquarters, contact information (e.g., email, phone number), first and last nameThe legal basis for such data processing is:Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (voluntary consent), which allows us to process personal data based on voluntarily given consent to receive newsletters from us.


Taking care of the security of all data in our company, and in particular to ensure confidentiality and integrity, we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures, such as, among others.

●  We conduct risk analysis on an ongoing basis to properly tailor solutions to potential breach risks;

●  Only authorized persons have access to the data and only to the extent necessary to perform their tasks;

●  on an ongoing basis, we sign entrustment agreements with entities to which we outsource the processing of personal data, but we also ensure that these entities guarantee the highest level of security;

●  Access to systems is strictly controlled, in accordance with security procedures.


  1. As part of our business, we process your personal data on various social networks, such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, EventBrite, Evenea, X, TikTok, Gridaly. The processing is carried out for the following purposes and on the following legal bases.

  1. Data processing purposes:

●  Communicating and interacting with users: Responding to user inquiries, comments and messages, building relationships and increasing engagement;

●  Marketing and Promotion: Promote our services, products, events and marketing campaigns by publishing posts, advertisements and announcements;

●  Event organization: Manage event registrations, communicate event details, and communicate with attendees;

●  Analytics and statistics: Analyze user activity, monitor the reach and effectiveness of our marketing efforts;

●  Building the company's image: Presenting our activities, achievements and engaging in dialogue with users.

  1. Legal basis for data processing:

●  User Consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR): We process personal data on social networks based on consent given by users through interactions with our profiles and content.

●  Legitimate legitimate interests of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): The processing of data for marketing, communication and analytical purposes is justified by our interest in promoting our business and increasing user engagement.

  1. We assure you that the processing of personal data on social networks is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection laws, and all information is protected by appropriate security measures. You can find more information about the data processing rules directly on the website: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, EventBrite, Evenea, X, TikTok


  1. The provision of any personal data is voluntary and at your discretion. However, in some cases, the provision of certain personal data is necessary to meet your expectations in using the service provided by the Personal Data Administrator.

  2. In order to receive a business offer, it is necessary to provide an e-mail address - without this we are unable to meet your expectations and maintain the highest quality of service, which we care about very much.


As part of the events we organize, we use participant profiling to better tailor our services to their needs and expectations.

Profiling includes both behavioral data, such as participants' behavior during events and their interactions with various program elements, as well as psychological data that provides a deeper understanding of participants' motivations, interests and preferences.

This allows us to create a more engaging and personalized experience, tailored to each participant's individual needs. All data collected is processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws, ensuring complete confidentiality and security of information.

Legal bases for data processing under the RODO:

●  Consent of the participant (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) - Processing of personal data for profiling purposes is based on the voluntarily expressed consent of participants.

●  Performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the Polish Law on entrustment of personal data (DPA)) - Data processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the participant is a party, in order to provide high quality and customized services.

●  Legitimate legitimate interests of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR) - The processing of data is necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interests, such as analyzing and improving the services we offer, provided that these interests do not infringe the rights and freedoms of participants.


  1. We may transfer your data:

  1. to our employees and associates who need to have access to the data in order to perform our obligations or activities for you;

  2. to our partners for events, parties, fairs and other activities where we use the support of third parties - this mainly applies to participants in our activities.

  1. Like most entrepreneurs, we also use other entities in our business, which sometimes involves the transfer of personal data. Accordingly, we transfer your personal data to the following recipients, if necessary:

  1. entities providing marketing services for us, organization of training, events;

  2. Entities that operate our information technology and data communications system;

  3. entities that provide us with the information and communication technology systems that we use on a daily basis;

  4. Entities engaged in payment activities (banks, payment institutions);

  5. Entities engaged in lending (banks), leasing;

  6. entities conducting postal, courier services;

  7. entities that provide consulting, advisory, auditing services or legal, tax, accounting, human resources assistance to us;

  8. entities that prepare photo and video reports for us from our events, events, trade shows, etc.

  1. In addition to this, it may happen, for example, that we will have to transfer your personal data to other entities, whether public or private such as, among others, the Social Insurance Institution, the Tax Office, the National Tax Administration, etc., based on a relevant law or decision of a competent authority.

  1. We cannot predict who may come forward with a request for personal information. Nevertheless, we assure you that every such request is very carefully and thoroughly reviewed by us so that we do not accidentally pass the information to an unauthorized person.


  1. In connection with our cooperation with partners in the UK and the USA, we transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). We ensure that any transfer of data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We use appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and ensure that it complies with European data protection standards.

  1. The transfer of data is based on one of the following legal bases:

●  Standard Contractual Clauses: We use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which obligate data recipients to comply with relevant data protection standards.

●  Adequacy Decisions: When transferring data to the UK, we use the European Commission's adequacy decision, which states that the UK provides an adequate level of protection for personal data.

●  Other appropriate safeguards: In situations where the use of standard contractual clauses or adequacy decisions is not possible, we may use other appropriate safeguards, such as binding corporate rules or specific contractual clauses tailored to the needs of a particular data transfer.

  1. We ensure that we only work with partners who adhere to strict data protection standards. We regularly monitor and review their data processing practices to ensure that your data is protected to the highest standards.

  1. If you have any questions or concerns about the transfer of your data outside the EEA, we encourage you to contact us.


  1. We use Google, Google Analytics and Microsoft, which may require the transfer of your personal data outside the EEA.

●  Google and Google Analytics: As part of your use of Google and Google Analytics, your data may be transferred to servers located in the United States. Google adheres to standard contractual clauses and other mechanisms in compliance with the DPA to ensure an adequate level of data protection. Link to privacy policy

●  Microsoft: We work with Microsoft to store and process data on their cloud platforms, such as Azure and Office 365. Microsoft also adheres to standard contractual clauses and other mechanisms that comply with the DPA to protect your personal data. Link to privacy policy.


  1. In accordance with applicable laws, we will process your personal data for the time it takes to achieve the stated purpose. After this period, your personal data will be irreversibly deleted or destroyed.

  2. Regarding the specific processing periods for personal data, we kindly inform you that we process personal data for a period of time:

  1. duration of the contract and after its termination, but for no longer than 6 years - for personal data processed for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract.

  2. up to 10 years - with respect to personal data processed for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending claims, but no longer than under applicable law.

  3. 1 year - for personal data that was collected in connection with the referral of an offer, but the contract was not concluded immediately.

  4. 5 years - for personal data involving compliance with tax law obligations, such as the retention of invoices and receipts.

  5. Until the consent is withdrawn or the purpose of the processing is achieved, but for no longer than 2 years - for personal data processed on the basis of consent.

  6. until an effective objection is lodged or the purpose of the processing is achieved, but for no longer than 2 years - with regard to personal data processed on the basis of the Administrator's legitimate interest or for marketing purposes.

  7. Until obsolete or obsolete, but for no longer than 5 years - for personal data processed primarily for the use of cookies and website administration.

  8. We count periods in years from the end of the year in which we began processing personal data in order to streamline the process of deleting or destroying personal data. Counting the period separately for each event would involve significant organizational and technical difficulties, as well as a significant financial outlay, so establishing a single date for the deletion or destruction of personal data allows us to manage the process more efficiently.

  1. Right to forget: Of course, if you exercise your right to forget, such situations are handled on a case-by-case basis.


  1. We kindly inform you that you have the right to:

●  The right to access the content of your personal data - that is, to obtain information about the purpose and manner of processing of your personal data and a copy of the data.

●  The right to rectify data - that is, to correct data when it is erroneous, has changed or has become obsolete.

●  The right to partial or complete deletion of data ("Right to be forgotten") - that is, deletion of data that is processed without a legitimate legal basis.

●  The right to restrict processing - that is, to limit the processing of data to storage only.

●  The right to data portability - that is, to obtain your personal data that you have provided to us or to indicate another administrator to whom we should provide it, if technically possible.

●  The right to object, as to personal data, the provision of which is voluntary - that is, among other things, for the purposes of direct marketing.

●  Right to withdraw consent - you may withdraw any consent you have given at any time. Please note that as of your instruction, we will no longer process your data for the purpose you indicated, but until you withdraw your consent, we have the right to process your data.

  1. We respect your rights under data protection laws and strive to facilitate the exercise of these rights to the greatest extent possible.

  2. We point out that the enumerated rights are not absolute, and therefore, in certain situations, we may lawfully refuse you. However, if we refuse to grant a request, it is only after careful consideration and only in situations where denial of the request is necessary.

  3. Regarding the right to object, we explain that you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Personal Data Controller /listed in point three of this Privacy Policy/ in connection with your particular situation. However, you must bear in mind that, in accordance with the law, we may refuse to take into account your objection if we demonstrate that:

  1. there are legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or;

  2. there are grounds for the establishment, investigation or defense of claims.

  1. In addition, you can object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes at any time.

  2. In such a situation, after receiving an objection, we will stop processing for this purpose.

  3. You can exercise your rights by sending an email to with the subject line "RODO".


  1. If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time - at your discretion.

  2. If you would like to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, to do so, simply send an email to with the subject line "RODO".

  3. If the processing of your personal data was carried out on the basis of your consent, revoking it does not make the processing of your personal data illegal up to that point. In other words, we have the right to process your personal data until you revoke your consent, and revoking it does not affect the legality of previous processing.


If you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of applicable law, you may file a complaint with the Polish authority - President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, Office for Personal Data Protection, 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw


  1. In matters not regulated by the Rules and Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and relevant laws of Poland, as well as the laws of the European Union, in particular the GDPR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC) shall apply.

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A quick guide on how to disable cookies from your web browsers

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§1 Postanowienia ogólne

  1. Niniejszy Regulamin określa zasady uczestnictwa w projekcie Econverse Cup 2024, zwanym dalej “Projektem”.

  2. Projekt ma na celu promocję i rozwój przedsiębiorczości wśród polskiej młodzieży poprzez serię warsztatów Startup School oraz wydarzenie Econverse Cup 2024. W trakcie Projektu Uczestnicy, wybierają jedną ze ścieżek - ideathon własnego pomysłu na startup w wybranych sektorach oraz wyzwania z budową rozwiązań dla partnera wyzwania.

  3. Realizatorem Projektu jest Fundacja Econverse, z siedzibą w Poznaniu, wpisana do rejestru stowarzyszeń, innych organizacji społecznych i zawodowych, fundacji oraz samodzielnych publicznych zakładów opieki zdrowotnej Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem 0000958429, zwana dalej „Organizatorem”. 

  4. Partnerem Strategicznym wydarzenia jest Fundacja Empiria i Wiedza.

  5. Udział w projekcie jest w pełni darmowy. Pełna lista partnerów Projektu znajduje się na stronie

  6. Uczestnicy Projektu, zwani dalej „Uczestnikami”, to osoby wskazane przez Organizatora, wyłonione w procesie aplikacji do Projektu.

  7. Regulaminy konkursów odbywających się w ramach projektów zostaną przesłane drogą mailową. 

  8. Wszystkie osoby uczestniczące w Projekcie, a także ich opiekunowie prawni w wypadku osób małoletnich, mają obowiązek zapoznać się, zaakceptować i przestrzegać treści niniejszego regulaminu. Niedopełnienie tego obowiązku nie może być podstawą do ewentualnych roszczeń w stosunku do Organizatora.

  9. Warunkiem udziału w Projektu jest przesłanie kopii podpisanego Regulaminu Projektu Econverse Cup 2024, a także, dla osób małoletnich, zgody rodzica/opiekuna prawnego na udział w Projekcie. 

§2 Regulamin kwalifikacji do Projektu oraz do Wielkiego Finału Econverse Cup

  1. Przedmiotem Kwalifikacji do projektu jest zapewnienie udziału uczestników w projekcie Econverse Cup 2024.

  2. W Kwalifikacji do projektu Econverse Cup 2024 mogą wziąć udział osoby w wieku 16-25 lat, które nie brały udziału w więcej niż 2 edycjach Econverse.

  3. Organizatorem Kwalifikacji jest Fundacja Econverse. 

  4. Oceny aplikacji dokonuje Komisja Konkursowa (Komisja), w skład której wchodzą członkowie zespołu Econverse Cup 2024 wskazani przez Zarząd Fundacji Econverse. 

  5. Zadaniem Komisji jest ocena nadesłanych aplikacji konkursowych (Aplikacja), wyłonienie 300 Uczestników zakwalifikowanych do projektu Econverse Cup 2024 oraz dopasowanie do zespołów w wybranych sektorach. Organizator nie gwarantuje przydzielenia uczestnika do sektora wybranego w Aplikacji.

  6. Komisja działa aż do rozwiązania przez Organizatora.

  7. Składanie fałszywych informacji upoważnia Komisję do wykluczenia Aplikanta z kwalifikacji.

  8. Przedmiotem Kwalifikacji do Wielkiego Finału Econverse Cup jest zapewnien

§3 Potwierdzenie udziału w Wydarzeniu 

  1. Uczestnicy wyłonieni w procesie kwalifikacji i ich opiekunowie prawni mają 7 dni na podjęcie decyzji w sprawie udziału w Projekcie Econverse Cup 2024 od czasu otrzymania przez Aplikanta decyzji o przyjęciu na Wydarzenie. Decyzja jest przesyłana drogą mailową na adres

  2. Niedokonanie, w terminie 7 dni od ogłoszenia wyników, potwierdzenia udziału jest równoznaczne z rezygnacją z udziału w projekcie Econverse Cup 2024.

  3. W przypadku rezygnacji z udziału w wydarzeniu, Komisja może ustanowić kolejnego Uczestnika z Listy Rezerwowych. Wówczas osoba ta trafia do zespołu, który jest w niepełnym składzie liczbowym.   

§4 Organizacja i zasady ścieżki ideathon w sektorach:  E-commerce, Lifestyle, Future of Work and Education, Industry 4.0, Digital Health:

  1. Uczestnicy są przydzielani przez Komisję do 5 osobowych zespołów na podstawie wybranych preferencji odnośnie sektora i roli. Nie ma możliwości wymiany członków zespołów, wyjątkiem jest wydarzenie wynikające z siły wyższej za zgodą Organizatora bądź.

  2. Projekt obejmuje główne fazy oraz dodatkowe wydarzenia równoległe:

    1. Start-Up School - seria wykładów i spotkań online przygotowująca do Eliminacji Regionalnych

    2. Eliminacje Regionalne Econverse Cup - lokalne wydarzenia w Warszawie, Wrocławiu, Gdańsku, Poznaniu i Warszawie. 

      1. Przedmiotem Eliminacji Regionalnych jest wyłonienie 3 przez Komisje powołane przez organizatora najlepszych zespołów zakwalifikowanych do Wielkiego Finału Econverse Cup 2024.

    3. Rozwój Pomysłu – praca w zespołach, a także z Mentorami 

    4. Wielki Finał EconverseCup  2024  - rywalizacja o główne nagrody Econverse Cup 2024 (w formie Pitch Contest, ocenianego przez Komisję, której członków powołuje Organizator). W Wielkim Finale bierze udział 15 zespołów wyłonionych na podstawie eliminacji lokalnych, które walczą o nagrody za pierwsze, drugie i trzecie oraz Nagrodę Publiczności, a także, potencjalnie, dodatkowe Nagrody Specjalne. 

  1. Harmonogram Wydarzenia zostanie przesłany Uczestnikom mailowo, a także przedstawiony na stronie Wydarzenia, Gridaly, oraz na grupie Facebook Econverse.

§5 Nagrody

  1. Wartość nagród podczas wszystkich wydarzeń Econverse Cup 2024 wynosi 20 000 PLN. 

  2. Podczas Econverse Cup 2024 uczestnicy mają możliwość zdobycia:

    1. Trzech nagród zespołowych (pierwsze, drugie, trzecie miejsce) w ramach ścieżki projektu dla zespołów E-commerce, Lifestyle, Future of Work and Education, Industry 4.0, Digital Health.

    2. Partnerom Fundacji przysługuje prawo do przeznaczania dodatkowych nagród zespołom.

  3. Otrzymane nagrody rzeczowe zostaną wręczone Zwycięzcom Konkursu w dniu Wielkiego Finału Econverse 2024, a nagrody pieniężne zostaną wysłane do Zwycięzcy na koszt Fundacji Econverse, na numer rachunku bankowego wskazany przez Zwycięzcę nagrody w terminie 14 dni od dnia przekazania rachunku bankowego na adres . 

§6 Dane osobowe

  1. Administratorem danych osobowych jest Organizator. Z Organizatorem w sprawach związanych z danymi osobowymi można skontaktować się pod adresem mailowym:

  2. Wysłanie Aplikacji oznacza wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych Aplikanta i jego Rodziców/opiekunów prawnych przez Fundację (administrator danych osobowych) dla celów niniejszej Kwalifikacji oraz informowania o przebiegu Kwalifikacji, zgodnie z RODO.

  3. Dane zawarte w Aplikacjach Aplikantów będą udostępnianie Fundacji w celu realizacji Kwalifikacji, na co Aplikant wyraża zgodę przystępując do Kwalifikacji.

  4. Imiona i nazwiska oraz wizerunek osób będących Uczestnikami Econverse Cup 2024 oraz zdjęcia i filmy z udziałem tych osób mogą zostać opublikowane na stronie internetowej i profilu w mediach społecznościowych Kwalifikacji, Fundacji oraz przez partnerów i sponsorów Kwalifikacji w celach informacyjnych lub promocyjnych, na co Aplikant wyraża zgodę przystępując do Kwalifikacji.

  5. Aplikant przystępując do Kwalifikacji wyraża zgodę na przekazanie partnerom i sponsorom Wydarzenia swojego imienia, nazwiska, daty urodzenia, adresu e-mail, numeru telefonu, nazwy i danych powiązanych placówek edukacyjnych oraz notatki o preferowanym sektorze i roli, motywacji do nauki, a także planach na przyszłość.

  6. Polityka prywatności znajduje się na stronie:

§7 Regulamin Ogólny

  1. Podczas pobytu na Wydarzeniu właściwym dla Eliminacji Regionalnych i Wielkim Finale uczestników obowiązuje: 

  • Stosowanie się do poleceń Organizatora,

  • Dbanie o bezpieczeństwo swoje oraz pozostałych uczestników,

  • Przestrzeganie czystości na terenie Wydarzenia,

  • Bezwzględne przestrzeganie regulaminów określających warunki korzystania ze sprzętu i urządzeń.

  1. Podczas pobytu na Wydarzeniu uczestników niepełnoletnich obowiązuje pod rygorem usunięcia z wydarzenia bezwzględny zakaz:

  • Posiadania i spożywania alkoholu, posiadania i palenia tytoniu lub papierosów (również elektronicznych),

  • Posiadania i zażywania narkotyków i środków odurzających,

  • Stosowania przemocy fizycznej i psychicznej.

§8 Odpowiedzialność Organizatora za rzeczy Uczestników

  1. Uczestnik ponosi pełną odpowiedzialność za rzeczy pozostawione w miejscu przeprowadzania poszczególnych etapów Projektu.

  2. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za nieszczęśliwe wypadki podczas przeprowadzania poszczególnych etapów Projektu.

  3. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wszelkie szkody wyrządzone przez uczestników podczas przeprowadzania poszczególnych etapów Projektu.

§9 Obowiązki Organizatora i Uczestnika

  1. W trakcie trwania poszczególnych etapów Projektu Uczestnik zobowiązany jest do zachowania zasad kultury, przestrzegania zasad współżycia społecznego oraz stosowania się do poleceń Organizatora.

  2. Nieobecność Uczestnika na więcej niż 50% części Projektu online bez uzasadnionej przyczyny jak i jakiejkolwiek części stacjonarnej Projektu bez względu na jej przyczynę równoznaczna jest z jego wykluczeniem z Projektu. W wypadku nieobecności na części Online Projektu uczestnik jest zobowiązany dostarczyć uzasadnienie nieobecności na adres w ciągu 3 dni. 

  3. Posiadanie przez Uczestnika identyfikatora upoważnia go do wstępu na wydarzenia związane z poszczególnymi etapami Projektu. Identyfikator zostanie Uczestnikowi wydany pierwszego dnia Wydarzenia.

  4. Zabronione jest prowadzenie przez Uczestników Projektu jakichkolwiek działań komercyjnych, akwizycyjnych, reklamowych, promocyjnych, a także agitujących oraz zbiórek pieniężnych nie uzgodnionych z Organizatorem, jak również działań niezgodnych z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa.

  5. Gdyby okazało się, iż zachowanie Uczestnika uniemożliwia prawidłowe prowadzenie poszczególnych etapów Projektu oraz stanowi zagrożenie dla innych Uczestników, Prowadzący ma prawo wykreślić go z listy Uczestników.

  6. Uczestnik jest zobowiązany do korzystania z przestrzeni, na której odbywają się Wydarzenia związane z Projektem., zgodnie z wytycznymi, Scenariuszem Wydarzenia, a także planem zagospodarowania powierzchni. Uczestnik zobowiązany jest zapoznać się z Scenariuszem Wydarzenia, a także planem zagospodarowania powierzchni przed wejściem na teren wydarzenia. Gdyby okazało się, iż zachowanie Uczestnika uniemożliwia prawidłowe prowadzenie wydarzenia, Prowadzący ma prawo wyprosić go z trwającego wydarzenia. 

  7. Uczestnik jest zobowiązany do poinformowania pisemnie przed wydarzeniem o poważnych schorzeniach, np. o alergiach pokarmowych lub innych ważnych informacjach.

  8. Uczestnik Projektu i jego Wydarzeń jest w pełni odpowiedzialny za swoje działania oraz w pełni odpowiada za ich następstwa. Organizatorzy nie odpowiadają za uszkodzenia zdrowia i mienia wywołane działaniami Uczestników.

  9. Osoby obecne na Wydarzeniach Projektu nie mogą rejestrować, wykorzystywać ani przesyłać dźwięku, obrazu lub opisu Obiektu lub Wydarzenia do użytku innego niż wyłącznie prywatny. Zabronione jest rozpowszechnianie przez Internet, radio, telewizję lub za pośrednictwem innych współczesnych lub przyszłych mediów, dźwięku, obrazu, zdjęć, danych, opisu, nagrań, wyniku lub statystyki z Imprezy w całości lub w części bądź pomaganie innej osobie/innym osobom w takich działaniach. 

§10  Lokalizacja projektu

  1. Projekt odbywa się między w następujących terminach:

    1. 04-05.10.2024 Poznań

    2. 11-12.10.2024 Wrocław,

    3. 11-12.10.2024 Warszawa,

    4. 17-18.10.2024 Gdańsk,

    5. 18-19.10.2024 Kraków,

    6. 13.12. 2024 w Google Campus for Startups w Warszawie.

§11 Wizerunek

  1. Uczestnik wyraża zgodę, aby w trakcie przeprowadzania wydarzenia przedstawiciele Organizatora, Prowadzący, czy też inna osoba lub podmiot medialny (telewizja, radio, prasa, blogerzy, vlogerzy, podcasterzy itp.) wskazany przez Organizatora wykonywał zdjęcia i nagrania wideo Uczestnikom wydarzenia celem umieszczenia ich na swojej stronie internetowej i promocji wydarzenia na innych stronach internetowych, w mediach społecznościowych, telewizji, radiu, prasie.

  2. Za wykorzystanie wizerunku na podstawie powyższej zgody uczestnikowi nie przysługuje wynagrodzenie.

  3. W przypadku braku zgody na wykorzystywania wizerunku Uczestnika wydarzenia, jest on zobowiązany złożyć stosowne oświadczenie na adres mailowy

  4. W kwestiach nieuregulowanych niniejszym Regulaminem prawo do podjęcia ostatecznej decyzji posiada Organizator.

  5. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo zmiany niniejszego Regulaminu. Zmieniony regulamin zostanie zamieszczony na stronie internetowej oraz w serwisie Facebook.

§12 Postanowienia końcowe

  1. W sprawach nieunormowanych w niniejszym Regulaminie stosuje się odpowiednie przepisy prawa, w tym przepisy Kodeksu cywilnego i RODO.

  2. Niniejszy Regulamin wchodzi w życie z dniem 4 maja 2024 r. i obowiązuje do dnia jego uchylenia, poprzednie wersje regulaminu zostają uchylone.

  3. Organizator jest administratorem danych osobowych Uczestników. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane zgodnie z RODO. Szczegółową treść informacji dotyczącej przetwarzania danych osobowych określa Załącznik §7 niniejszego Regulaminu.

  4. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do dokonania zmian w niniejszym Regulaminie w każdym momencie trwania projektu. 

  5. Organizator niezwłocznie poinformuje Uczestników o wprowadzanych zmianach.

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